Christoph Edelhoff

Christoph Edelhoff

* 11.10.1940
† 14.07.2018
Erstellt von HNA Verlag Dierichs
Angelegt am 18.07.2018
3.260 Besuche

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26.07.2018 um 00:26 Uhr von David Heathfield

A few years ago Christoph invited me to participate at a BAG conference. His energy, enthusiasm and humour combined with and great knowledge and experience made my visit pleasurable and memorable. His unique and magnetic presence was the pivot the whole event revolved around... and it was a wonderful event. I'll always remember him bringing out his trumpet late at night in the bar and thrilling us all with jazz. Thanks, Christoph!


From a HILF 'teamer'

20.07.2018 um 10:39 Uhr von Pulverness

Working with Christoph at HILF in the 1980s was one of my most formative professional experiences and it was always an immense pleasure to spend time in his company. His intellectual energy, organisational flair and peronal magnetism made it a delight to be part of those great HILF teams at the Reinhardswaldschule. Working with him again after many years at a BAG event last year, I was delighted to find that the passing years had not diminished any of these qualities. I know that Christoph will be deeply missed by so many colleagues and friends whose lives he touched.